
Storing Cannabis in Mylar Bags

Flower smokers who buy flower by the ounces or in bulk will need to store their extra buds until they are ready to use them. But, as cannabis enthusiasts know, you can’t just toss your cannabis flower into any bag or onto any countertop to store it. It would be best if you used specialized, quality bags.

If you don’t store your cannabis correctly, you risk your buds degrading. They’ll lose their freshness and potency. There are few things as disappointing as taking out the flower you purchased a few weeks ago, lighting it up, and realizing it has gone bad. Especially knowing that you could have easily prevented this with proper cannabis storage.

One popular permanent cannabis storage option: mylar bags. These storage containers offer many benefits and are an ideal container to store your flower between uses.

What Are Mylar Bags?

You may have heard of mylar before; it is popularly used in helium balloons. But, what exactly is it?

DuPont Chemical Company created mylar in the 1950s. Mylar is a polyester film made from stretched polyethylene terephthalate. Mylar bags come from this strong material.

Unlike air-tight containers, mylar bags do more than keep out air; they also keep the gas out. Mylar bags are also known for preventing odors from escaping, an important feature for those storing flower. It offers both discretion and preserves the terpene profile of the bud stored inside.

Benefits of Mylar Bags

There are many reasons people are turning to mylar bags as a permanent flower storage option. These bags offer many benefits that make them the perfect container to store your cannabis flowers, including:

  • They are opaque. Protecting your buds from light exposure is important, and mylar bags do just that, thanks to their opaque design. Because these bags prevent light from getting through, they help your cannabis buds maintain their color, odor, and taste. Light exposure can also impact a bud’s potency.
  • They keep your bud fresh. Mylar bags are a proven freshness protector, keeping out water and air, which can degrade your product’s quality.
  • They don’t absorb odor. Just as mylar bags prevent odor from escaping, they also don’t absorb the odor themselves. Since cannabis is known for being aromatic, and its fragrance is part of its flavor, this is an important benefit of mylar bags.
  • They are strong. This means you don’t have to worry about your bag tearing as it is moved around or while it sits in its storage place. Mylar bags can be re-used because of their durable nature, as long as they’ve been cleaned between buds.

Flower Retailers and Mylar Bags

People who smoke and enjoy flower aren’t the only ones that can use and benefit from using mylar bags. Local cannabis dispensaries, as well as large online dispensaries, often use mylar bags for packaging sold cannabis buds for their customers as well.

By using mylar bags to package cannabis, retailers can help customers be discrete with their purchases. Since the bags are opaque, nobody can see inside to see what you have purchased.

Plus, because mylar bags are known for preventing odors from escaping, nobody who visits a customer’s home or who is around the customer as they transport their product will know what is in the bag due to cannabis’s tell-tale scent.

When customers buy flower in bulk, using mylar bags to package the items can also help ensure the store’s product lasts until those customers decide to use it, leaving online cannabis retailers with satisfied customers instead of disappointed ones.

Tips for Storing Flower

Though the storage container is arguably one of the most important things you need to consider when storing flower, there are other things you should take into consideration as well. Once the flower is placed in a mylar bag, your job is not done.

When it comes to finding a place to keep the mylar bag of flower, remember it needs to be kept in a dark, cool, and dry environment.

  • Dark. As mentioned before, light can trigger the breakdown of your cannabis plant. Not only does it impact its color, but it can also cause THC to break down early, impacting your high. Though mylar bags are opaque, it’s still a good idea to keep your flower in a dark place.
  • Cool. THC and the terpene on buds are heat-sensitive; it’s why we smoke them. Keeping your flower in a cool place helps preserve its freshness. It is recommended that buds be kept in a place with a temperature between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius.
  • Dry. Humidity and exposure to moisture can cause a whole host of problems for your flower. Though your mylar bag is air-tight, store your buds in a dry place as well to help your bag out.

In addition to keeping your flower in an ideal environment, that is just part of the equation. Here are two more flower storage tips to keep in mind as you pack up your buds.

  • If you have young people in your home, be sure to keep your cannabis products out of their reach. Consider purchasing child-resistant mylar bags as an added layer of protection, giving you peace of mind that your buds are safe and out of the hands of little ones.  
  • Be sure to label your bag before you put your cannabis in its storage spot. Put the type of strain it contains and even the date you packed it. This is a simple step, but it helps keep your flower bags organized.  

Mylar Bags: A Summary

For flower users looking for a permanent flower storage solution, mylar bags are an excellent option. These bags offer various benefits, all of which help protect your cannabis flower from degrading or losing its potency while in storage.

Users don’t have to fear that cannabis will go bad to prevent them from buying in bulk. Having the proper equipment to use to store your cannabis can ensure it lasts a long time.

By Safer Products & Grow Cargo

How to Control Humidity When Storing Your Cannabis

Child Resistant Push & Turn Vials
Child Resistant Push & Turn Vials

In movies, marijuana growers and distributors are often shown keeping and passing flower stored in simple plastic bags. While that may be a good idea in the movies, it isn’t the best way to store flower in real life.

Humidity and other factors can affect your marijuana. You can protect your bud with proper storage techniques until you are ready to light up. Meanwhile, improperly storing flower can cause it to degrade—leaving users with a lower-quality cannabis product. 

What Is Humidity?

When you turn on the weather report, it’s not uncommon to hear meteorologists discussing the amount of humidity a place is experiencing. Humidity can impact the “feels like” temperature in a place. But, what exactly is it?

Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor in the air. The more water vapor in the air, the higher the humidity. This can cause the air outside to feel wet or thick. The less humidity, the dryer the air.

Relative humidity (RH) is most often what weather reports refer to and even what cannabis experts will refer to when discussing the role of humidity and marijuana. RH is the amount of water vapor actually in the air. This is often expressed as a percentage.

What Impact Does Humidity Have on Flower?

Humidity can impact everything from the way our hair behaves to how hot it feels outside. But, many people don’t realize the impact humidity can have on their flower stash.

Too much humidity (and moisture) can cause your buds to grow mold and mildew.

But that’s not to say that your flower should not be exposed to any humidity. In fact, not enough moisture and humidity can cause your marijuana flowers to degrade. Their trichomes will dry out, leaving the bud brittle while also potentially impacting the flower’s potency and aroma.

The Dangers of Mold on Marijuana

Even though too little humidity can leave you with dried-out buds, too much humidity can actually be dangerous to your health.

For healthy people, smoking moldy flower may not cause many poor effects. But, it can cause coughing, nausea, and even vomiting.

But, for those who are allergic to mold or have underlying health conditions, moldy flower can cause more serious issues. Those with a mold allergy may experience:

  • Sinus pain
  • Wheezing
  • Congestion
  • Asthma attack
  • Dizziness

Smokers with compromised immune systems or lung conditions should not smoke moldy flower as it can cause infections and further aggravate these conditions, leaving users sick.

Aspergillus is a common fungus that moldy marijuana can bring into the body. This fungus can cause lung infections, which can leave those with compromised immune systems in peril.

There are ways to dry out flower that has too much humidity. One popular option is placing the bud in a paper bag until it dries out.

Finding the Perfect Balance 

Before diving into the role moisture and humidity play in keeping cannabis fresh, it’s important to know how marijuana buds go from the plant to a joint.

Before marijuana can be sold to consumers, it has to go through a process called curing. This method is used to age and dry marijuana buds, making them suitable for consumption by flower users. While each grower will have their own unique curing process, the end goal is the same.

When correctly done, the curing process ensures the moisture trapped inside cannabis buds slowly dissipates from the flower without changing the cannabinoids (the compounds that determine the strain’s effects) or losing terpenes (which impact the bud’s aroma).

Flower curators hope to bring the moisture content between 6 percent and 9 percent. Once the cannabis bud reaches this moisture content, the buds can be safely packaged for sale at a dispensary or online flower store. 

Although the grower takes excellent care to get the bud to a safe moisture amount, it’s the purchaser’s job to maintain that balance. While dispensaries will take precautions to keep the flower in good condition, users will need to store it properly at home to prevent too much or too little moisture from affecting the flower. 

The goal is to keep the RH level where you store your flower between 59 percent and 63 percent. 

How to Manage Humidity Levels When Storing Marijuana

Thankfully, flower users aren’t alone in their fight to keep humidity at the perfect level while storing marijuana. There are tools available to help maintain humidity and keep it at a proper level, including:

  • Cannabis humidity packs. These packs or pouches are usually made with a mix of water and salts. Users place these packs in their flower storage containers to help maintain this perfect balance of moisture. These packs work to both remove and release humidity based on the humidity levels in the container and the flower it holds, keeping buds in good condition until they are ready to be smoked.
  • Cannabis humidor boxes. This can be a pricier option but a good option for those who keep large amounts of flower on hand. Often referred to as statement pieces, a humidor box can store a large amount of flower and accessories. Boxes contain humidity systems designed to maintain the ideal humidity for marijuana.  
  • Humidifiers and dehumidifiers. Many marijuana growers and flower users can use humidifiers and dehumidifiers to regulate moisture in the air around where they grow or store cannabis. A humidifier will put more moisture into the air, while a dehumidifier removes it. If you choose to go this route, you will still need equipment to help you measure the air’s humidity, so you can better regulate it.

When choosing the best method to help you manage the humidity in your flower storage space, there are multiple factors to consider. Think about:

  • How much flower you are planning to store at a given moment
  • The amount of money you want to spend on a humidity-controlling device
  • How much effort you want to put into monitoring your flowers environment

Although humidor boxes allow users to store more than just their flower, they do require a bit of an investment upfront.

Humidifiers and dehumidifiers can require monitoring of the environment around the flower, making them the right choice for growers or dispensaries, but perhaps not the best choice for people who smoke recreationally and don’t keep large amounts on hand.

Cannabis humidity packs are a simple way to keep humidity levels balanced. However, they are disposable, so look around for deals to buy them to get the most out of your purchase.

How to Store Marijuana 

Humidity isn’t the only thing that can affect the shelf life of marijuana. When it comes to properly storing your flower, it is important to:

  • Limit its exposure to light
  • Use the appropriate storage containers
  • Keep it in a cool, dark place
  • Think about how long you plan to store it

First, when determining the best storage methods for your flower, think about how long you plan to store it. If you plan to use it within a few days, you won’t need to take the same steps as someone who is planning to store their flower for weeks.

Next, choose an appropriate storage container. Glass jars are a popular option for storing flower. These often offer air-tight seals to help prevent air from destroying your flower. Plastic containers, however, can encourage sweating of your bud, causing humidity and moisture. If you have access to a vacuum sealer, a bag may work for a short time as well.

Finally, find the best place to store your flower. Don’t plan to just toss it on the windowsill and leave it. You will need to find a place that is cool and dark. Consider keeping your flower in a desk drawer or pantry.

When storing flower at home, keeping the product out of the hands of little ones is important. Consider buying child-proof storage equipment and choosing your storage space carefully.

Storing Other Marijuana Products

While marijuana flowers may be the most common flower product on the market, it is not the only one. In fact, as more and more countries legalize cannabis use, more marijuana products find themselves available to consumers.

Marijuana edibles are among the most popular cannabis products out there. Cannabis edibles include:

  • Baked items, such as cookies and the legendary “pot brownie”
  • Chocolates, including candy pieces
  • Marijuana gummies in various shapes and flavors
  • Cannabis drink mixes
  • Marijuana oils and tinctures

These products require different handling for proper storage and are less affected by changes in humidity. For example, high humidity could cause chocolate to melt, but it would not cause quite a dire impact on marijuana flowers and buds.

Here are some tips for storing various marijuana edibles, helping you maximize their shelf life.

  • Chocolate. High humidity can cause chocolate to melt, leaving you with an inedible product. If you have cannabis chocolates you aren’t planning to finish right away, wrap them in aluminum foil and place them in an air-tight container. Keep this container in a cool dark place, like the refrigerator.
  • Baked goods. Whether it is a cookie, brownie, or even a muffin, the air is not the friend of baked goods (whether filled with cannabis or not). To help preserve the shelf life of your marijuana baked goods, keep them in an air-tight container. They can generally last a few days in this container on the counter, weeks in the fridge, and months in the freezer.
  • Cannabis oil can last anywhere from six months to a year when stored properly. Because oils are sensitive to light and heat, be sure to store them in a cool, dark place. If you notice your oil is starting to have a bitter taste, it is reaching the end of its shelf life and should be used quickly.
  • Tinctures. This marijuana extract has one of the longest shelf life in any cannabis product. It can last for years when stored properly. All it takes to keep them in good condition is storage in a cool, dark place.

No matter what marijuana product you are storing or for how long, be sure to label it before storing it away. List what it is, the strain, and the date you move it into storage. This will pay off in the long run, allowing you to keep track of what you have on hand and how long you have to use it before it likely starts to go bad.

In Conclusion

Marijuana users may choose to buy their buds by the ounce or in bulk. And, no matter how much or how little they buy, they may find they need a place to store their flower until they are ready to use it.

Cannabis is quite sensitive, requiring proper conditions to grow and maintain its freshness and potency. One important factor when it comes to growing or storing flower is humidity.

Too much humidity can cause the buds to grow mold and mildew, which can cause health issues in some users. But, keeping your flower bone dry is not always the best option either, as dry flower can become brittle and lose its potency. This is why keeping your flower in a place with the perfect amount of humidity is so important.

Humidity-balancing tools are available to help users keep their flower fresh. Whether it’s a pouch, box, or equipment, users can find an option that best fits their needs.

For some, the thought of storing buds can be overwhelming. After all, there is a lot to manage. Other cannabis products such as marijuana edibles may be a good solution. Although these products have storage needs of their own, some flower users may find them easier to manage in storage than a bud. 

Whatever you plan to store, whether it be a bud or another product, humidity controls matter. If you have any questions or need suggestions on how best to store your marijuana products, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us or your online dispensary.

By Safer Products & Grow Cargo 

Best Solutions for Flower Storage

When cured and stored correctly, flower remains stable and usable for up to two years. Good storage does not mean throwing your buds in a plastic bag and into a drawer. Although many people do it, it’s not the best way to store cannabis. It’s best if you’ll create the ideal environment for your flower. 

Protect Your Flower

Before listing the storage solutions, it helps to identify the factors that could degrade your flower. These are: 

Light: Light is the most significant and most common factor that degrades flower. UV rays in the light are very harsh. Just as they make the paint on your car or house fade and look dull, they burn up the flower. Light breaks down the terpenes and cannabinoids in your stash, rendering them useless. So, when you store flower, get an opaque container, and place it where there is no sunlight. 

Temperature: Terpenes evaporate as temperatures rise. Dry flower without terpenes produces harsh, unpleasant smoke. Also, high temperatures encourage the growth of mold and mildew. The two thrive when the temperatures are between 78 and 86 degrees. So, store the cannabis at a temperature lower than this range. Do not store your flower in the fridge, either. The refrigerator is said to have high moisture content. Avoid the freezer also because freezing temperatures could make the trichomes burst and lose potency. The best cool and dry place to store the flower container would be in a dark corner or a closet. 

Moisture: You must keep your buds dry because mold will grow otherwise. Also, don’t let the buds dry too much because the cannabinoids and terpenes in them start to degrade. The humidity range should be between 59 and 63 relative humidity. But, since it’s difficult to control the moisture, it’s best to use humidifying capsules. 

Air: Your flowers’ exposure to oxygen also influences the longevity of cannabis. When the oxygen level is too much, the flower degrades faster. When the oxygen is little, the airflow is little, and the humidity level increases. High humidity, in turn, allows the growth of mildew and mold. As such, the best way to prevent any oxygen exposure at all is to vacuum seal it. But, since most people do not own a vacuum sealer, an airtight container will do. Make sure to choose the right size, though; not too big as this will trap too much oxygen and not too small as this will cramp the buds together. 

Storage Containers to Try

1. A Cvault 

This container is airtight and has adequate climate control. The Cvault looks like the spice tins in many people’s kitchens. The container is a perfect solution for storing flower because it keeps the flower fresh. It also preserves the terpenes, ensuring that the flower does not lose its aroma. However, be warned that the Cvault does not prevent the flower smell from escaping the jar. So, be careful where you stash your flower container. 

2. Sneak Guard

The sneak guard is preferred because it is airtight and does not emit any scents. It has several storage compartments to accommodate many products and tools. You also get to secure the container by code, which helps to keep your stash safe.

3. UV-proof Glass Stash Container

The UV-proof glass stash container is ideal for storing small flower amounts. It ensures a dark environment for the flower and prevents the flower smell from leaking out. Another advantage is that the container allows the buds to continue curing, which improves the buds’ quality. 

4. Glass Mason Jars

The advantage of glass mason jars is that you can find them anywhere. Walk into a home improvement or a grocery store and purchase your wide-mouth jars. Most people use them to store their spices, sauces, and marinades. You could use them to protect your buds from air and moisture. The jars also successfully contain the flower smells and protect the buds from being crushed during handling. However, since the jars are relatively large, ensure that the jar is at least ¾ full to avoid too much air in the jar. Once the flower level goes down, switch to a smaller jar. Also, due to the transparency of the glass jars, store them in a dark place.

5. Herb Guard With Humidipak

The herb guard is UV-resistant, smell-proof, and holds only one ounce of buds, at best. It maintains the freshness of your flower and keeps air from getting in. The herb guard is ideal for storing small quantities of flower. 

6. The Cannador

This storage container is specifically designed for storing cannabis. It comes with several glass jars, and you get to choose which of the storage options to take. The cannador has a cannabis organizer, allowing you to store up to six strains separately. It is convenient to use, and you will also love its unique sleek design. 

Avoid the Plastic

The principal mistake people make is storing their flower in plastic. Plastic produces a static charge that can tear apart your succulent trichomes. Although most flower is sold to you in plastic bags, remove it from the bag immediately once you get it. Do not put it in any plastic medicine jar, either. Unless you intend to consume the flower in the next two to three days, plastic will subject you to the problems pointed out here. Use plastic containers and bags only for transit. 

Cure the Buds

When storing flower for a long time, cure the buds for at least four weeks. The curing process significantly improves the smoothness and potency of the buds. Curing ensures that your stash has reached its peak potency before you store it away. You also get to the ideal moisture level. 

Wooden Holders

Although glass is ideal for storing flower, some people insist on wooden containers, like those used to hold cigars. There are wooden containers explicitly designed to hold flower, but be careful not to confuse the kind meant for flower and cigars. Cigar humidors will give your flower a cigar taste. They also hold in the moisture that would degrade your flower. 

With any of the above flower storage methods, you need not worry about the viability of your flower in the long-term. You can comfortably save money by buying your strains in bulk and storing them. 

By Safer Products & Grow Cargo

Best Bags for Secure Cannabis Packaging

Griplok Bags

Over the past few decades, the world has learned quite a bit about the cannabis plant. There is more information on how to grow and use it and how to keep it fresh for as long as possible. For casual cannabis users, packaging may mean a plastic storage container kept on a bedside table. For cannabis producers, however, the packaging is one of the essential facets of the business. 

For users and producers alike, there are dozens of factors to consider when finding the right packaging for your product. This starts with following the rules. 

Setting Industry Standards

More states are moving toward legalizing cannabis for medicinal and recreational purposes. As a result, there are more discussions on how to properly and uniformly regulate these products. Cannabis still is not legal in every state, but it’s likely only a matter of time before it is legalized across the country. 

Several states passed legalization referendums during the 2020 election cycle, and regulators in states where it’s been legal are taking notice. Officials from 19 states have joined forces, forming the Cannabis Regulators Association (CANNRA). The independent, non-partisan organization was founded to share industry knowledge to create public policy outlines and regulatory outlines for the cannabis industry. 

In the past, when a new state legalizes cannabis, officials will reach out to regulators in states with established cannabis systems to get advice. This group is the first formal organization of regulators in the United States whose task is to develop industry-wide best practices and model policies. These policies would be standard across the country, instead of having each state operating independently. The group hopes to address dozens of issues surrounding the cannabis industry, including packaging and labeling standards. 

Because of the federal legal status of cannabis in the US, states are on their own as far as regulation. Each state is free to choose to legalize it for any use. 

A few years ago, when cannabis would become legal somewhere, those state officials would reach out to Colorado for advice. With so many states moving in that direction, creating a system of industry standards is probably a wise idea.

Policies, Laws, and Regulations

Each state where cannabis is legal is required to come up with their own rules and regulations. Some states are more stringent than others, but the packaging is always a key topic in these discussions. Here’s a look at some common packaging standards adopted by states with legal cannabis. 

Before any cannabis leaves a dispensary, it must be sealed in air-tight, tamper-resistant, child-proof packaging. Some states also require that the packaging is opaque or transparent. Each state can develop its warning message and cannabis logo, which they can require to be added to every product. The contents, concentration levels, and, in some cases, the cannabis strains will be listed on the outside of the package. 

Colorado established some packaging requirements several years ago, but the regulations are adjusted as the industry evolves. Edibles are the latest cannabis product to get their own set of requirements. Recreational edibles must be wrapped individually or in packages with products that combined contain 10 mg of THC or less. 

Pick Your Packaging

Looking out at a display of cannabis packaging these days may be enough to overwhelm anyone. Cannabis packaging come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and styles, including boxes, bags, jars, vials, and pens. 

First, make sure you are choosing packaging that’s compliant with state regulations. The packaging you pick should predominantly be determined by the product you’re trying to protect. Cannabis is a challenging but delicate plant. If it’s exposed to too many outside elements such as heat or humidity, the compounds and terpenes in it will start to break down. That can lead to several issues, including loss of concentration, flavor, and potency. 

Mylar Bags

Smell-proof dispensary bags are more common now than ever before. They’ve been in use for decades, thanks to their ability to mask the cannabis smell. 

Mylar bags are a great option for cannabis storage, especially from an economic standpoint. These bags meet all of the requirements and standards for legal packaging, but they tend to be a bit cheaper. Some people would advise using Mylar bags more for personal use than professional packaging, but they still provide an air-tight, smell-proof seal. Mylar bags can be used to store cannabis flower or edibles, and they can be customized to your specifications

UV Protection

Our skin isn’t the only thing that needs protection from the harmful rays of the sun. Bags that offer UV protection will give you peace of mind that your product is safe from those elements. If you find a bag that provides UV protection, it likely also provides a smell-proof, child-resistant seal. This seal will keep your product secure. 

Child-Resistant GriploK Exit Bags

Almost all dispensary bags are child-proof or tamper-resistant these days due to regulations. If you’re looking for cannabis packaging that meets all legal storage and sealing requirements, consider the GriploK exit bags. These bags also look pretty slick.

GriploK exit bags come in several different sizes. Plus, there are three color options: sleek black, white, and a tannish-brown color called “kraft.”  

You can store cannabis flowers or edibles in these bags. You’ll feel secure knowing your products are in a smell-proof, air-tight container. Apart from helping keep your cannabis fresh, the bags also provide UV protection. 

Closing Thoughts

Remember, when it comes to cannabis packaging, you want to make sure you’re in line with the law. Cannabis producers most likely stay up-to-date on the changing laws and regulations. However, for people who use cannabis on a casual basis, you may want to stop and take a peek at the rules before you head out to a dispensary. 

As with any product out there, if you can find a bag made from natural ingredients and still offers the same regulatory child-proof, air-tight, UV protection, then you have hit the jackpot. 

By Safer Products & Grow Cargo

Concentrate Storage Tips & Tricks

Those new to the cannabis community may be surprised to discover there are more products than just cannabis flowers and edibles available on the market. As more countries start to legalize cannabis use for both medical and recreational use, more products start to be developed.

Recently, cannabis concentrates have gained more following. Available in many forms such as shatter, wax, and oil, concentrates are popular because of their powerful effects.

Smoked through dabbing, an ounce of shatter can go a long way. Whether you buy an ounce at a time or buy in bulk, you’ll likely need to know how to store your shatter. But it’s not as simple as just tossing it in a cupboard and forgetting about it.

Below, we cover how to store shatter for days, weeks, and even months. Plus, discover three mistakes you want to be sure to avoid when storing your shatter.

What Is Shatter?

Shatter is a type of cannabis concentrate. Like other concentrates, it comes from cannabis extract and butane extraction. What you are left with is a highly potent product that users can inhale via dabbing.

This particular concentrate has a unique appearance. Shatter has a brittle, glass-like texture. As its name suggests, it can be broken (or shattered) into smaller pieces. It comes in an amber color and is semi-transparent.

People enjoy using concentrates such as shatter for many reasons, but the most popular reason is its high THC content. Most cannabis flowers contain up to 25 percent THC, which is considered to be on the high end of the spectrum. Shatter can even contain up to 90 percent THC.

THC is the compound responsible for the high cannabis users experience. Its high THC content means shatter users can get an incredible high with just a little bit of the product.

How to Store Shatter

Because a little bit of shatter can go a long way, cannabis users will typically need a place to store it between uses. For those who only use shatter on occasion, they will also likely need a way to store their shatter long term. After all, you don’t want your product to go to waste.

The kind of shatter storage depends on how long you will need to store your product.

For short-term storage (a week or less), users can store the product using parchment paper. Spread out the shatter on the parchment paper, and then cut enough to make sure you can fold the paper to cover the shatter completely. You want to make sure there are no gaps around the edges to keep the shatter away from outside elements.

To offer your shatter a bit more protection, even if you are only storing it for a short time, consider placing your shatter bundle in a child-resistant bag.

For medium-term storage (up to a few weeks), you’ll need to take a few additional steps. Still start by using parchment paper to wrap your shatter. Next, you’ll want to make sure you place the parchment bundle in a sealed container. You can either seal a bag or place the shatter and parchment paper in a jar.  

Whether you are storing your shatter for a week or a few weeks, you’ll want to store your packaged shatter in a cool, dark, dry place. If you live in a warm climate, consider keeping your shatter in a refrigerator to protect it.

Finally, if you need to store shatter for an extended period of time, you may want to consider freezing it. Still use parchment paper to wrap the shatter. Then, place it in a glass jar that has been vacuumed-sealed. This prevents humidity from finding its way inside the container and damaging your concentrate.

Tips for Storing Concentrates

When it comes to storing your shatter, be sure to:

  • Invest in quality storage materials. Don’t just use the empty spaghetti jar you have on hand. A used, un-sterilized container can introduce contaminants to your product.
  • Keep it away from children. There are many child-proof storage containers available. If you have children in your home, make sure you choose a safe storage that they can’t get into.
  • Choose opaque containers to protect your shatter from light. This is a simple way to provide your concentrate with an added layer of protection.

If you are unsure how to store your product or need help choosing the right one, don’t hesitate to reach out to your online retailer.

Shatter Storage Mistakes to Avoid

Not storing your shatter correctly can affect your shatter’s quality and potency. As you prepare to store your concentrate, avoid these mistakes.

  • Don’t use the wrong jar. Although some concentrates can be stored directly in jars, shatter is not one of them. Without the parchment paper, shatter will stick to the side of glass jars, making it difficult to get out when you want to use it.
  • Don’t leave your shatter exposed to light. Light exposure can degrade the shatter’s quality. Light can speed up THC degradation, leaving you with a less-potent product.
  • Don’t open it immediately after freezing it. If you store shatter in your freezer (best of long-term storage), you need to let it completely thaw before you break the seal. Be patient and let it get to room temperature to maintain its quality.

In Conclusion

With its high THC content, shatter offers users a powerful high with potent effects. A little can go a long way with shatter, leaving users with the need to store it until their next use.

Properly storing shatter ensures the product does not degrade over time, losing its trademark potency and color. Plus, if exposed to outside elements like humidity, it will start to break down.

Using parchment paper and an airtight container, you can preserve your shatter for a few weeks, a few months, or even longer. Once your shatter is properly packed for storage, make sure to keep it in a cool, dry, and dark place. 

By Safer Products & Grow Cargo

FDA Guidelines for Packaging CBD Products

What Are The State And Federal Regulations For CBD Products?

The Food and Drug Administration, often referred to as the FDA, oversees the safety and efficacy of food, drugs, cosmetics, biological products, and medical devices. It is essential to be informed about the legalities concerning cannabidiol products.

The 2018 US Farm Bill emphasizes that the cannabis plant and derivatives should contain no more than 0.3% of THC for them to no longer belong to the controlled substances under federal law. This bill also emphasizes that the FDA has the authority to regulate cannabis-containing products and cannabis-derived compounds under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and the Public Health Service Act, section 351.

The FDA also addresses cannabis-containing products and products with cannabis-derived compounds the same way it treats other FDA-regulated products, which means they have similar requirements as well.

On the other hand, state regulations should also be considered because each state has its regulations for CBD products. These regulations change so often, so companies and manufacturers should always keep themselves updated to ensure that the products they sell adhere to the updated regulations.

FDA Packaging Guidelines for CBD Products

The FDA has yet to release CBD-specific packaging and labeling guidelines, which is why companies are urged to read on the regulations and requirements under which their products fall.

Since CBD products don’t fall under the food and dietary supplements section of the FDCA or Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Acts of the FDA, what is the best way to go about packaging CBD products?

First of all, make sure to be updated with the current CBD regulations per state because, as previously mentioned, these change quite often. Second, make sure to use child-resistant packaging for cannabidiol products.

Most companies use glass containers like vials for products like CBD oil. Others opt to use plastic containers for soft gels, tablets, and topicals like creams and salves. Choosing quality containers and packaging ensures the quality of these products.

Packaging and labeling is a duo that cannot be separated as they are so closely related to each other. It is also necessary for your products to follow suggested labeling guidelines under the requirements and regulations of the FDA, although these are not CBD-specific.

Here are some statements that your CBD label should include:

  • Identity Statement – The identity statement is responsible for one thing: telling the consumers what it is. “Vegan CBD Gummies, Broad Spectrum—THC Free” is an example of an identity statement.
  • Net Quantity of Contents – The net quantity of contents states the amount of product in a container. Some examples of this could be “300 mg”, “30 gummies—10 mg hemp-derived CBD per gummy.”
  • Nutrition Statement – Also known as the “supplement label” or “nutrition facts.” It is a list of ingredients the product contains and the amount of each ingredient arranged in descending order.
  • Responsibility Statement – The responsibility statement consists of the details of the business like the business name and location and the manufacturers. It gives the consumers important contact information. Including a website in this part would also help consumers get to know more about the products offered. 
  • Warning statements – Warning statements are included too—that’s right, warn the consumers of possible complications for them to be aware of before using the product. It could also be the CBD FDA disclaimer wherein it includes statements that clearly say that these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. 

Suppose you are beginning to explore and know about CBD products. In that case, it is advisable to consult a health care professional beforehand to avoid any allergies or other complications that might arise. Consumers must also take it upon themselves to read the products’ labels, including ingredient information and warning statements.

Why should you include a CBD FDA Disclaimer?

Including a CBD disclaimer on the packaging and labeling of your products is necessary because it informs consumers whether or not the FDA has evaluated the product. It would be best to write the CBD FDA disclaimer on the box’s label or packaging that the product comes in aside from the container itself, like the glass vial or bottle.

Here are some examples of CBD FDA disclaimers that are commonly used:

  • The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated this product. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements.

The Role of Manufacturers in Adhering to FDA Packaging Guidelines

Manufacturers play a significant role in ensuring that consumers are provided with quality cannabidiol products that comply with the Food and Drug Administration regulations and requirements. It is the responsibility of manufacturers to guarantee these products’ efficacy and safety, so it is expected of them to follow the current Good Manufacturing Practices set by the FDA.

The cGMPs are federal regulations established by the FDA to ensure that manufacturers adhere to the requirements and standards expected of them to uphold the safety, efficacy, quality, and purity of the products they manufacture. The word “current” is part of the regulations because it assesses whether companies and manufacturers have the updated technologies, equipment, and systems to produce the products they are to market. New companies can keep themselves updated with the FDA’s current Good Manufacturing Practices by reading through their official website for more information.

By Safer Products & Grow Cargo

Good Practices: Cannabis Packaging Child-Safety Tips

Marijuana Packaging: Common Requirements & Good Practices for Cannabis Packaging

With the growth of the cannabis industry, the demand for child safety in packaging has risen too. Also, the regulations put in place for cannabis packaging vary from state to state. In other words: measures taken by a dispensary in Denver might not be enough for a concentrate producer in Quebec. If you want to compete in different states, you need to familiarize yourself with those state regulations too.It might seem like a lot of work to go through. Learning the rules, changing your packaging, and worrying about what you can print. It is well worth it in the long run though, and the consequences of not caring are big. That’s why compliance in packaging is one of our top priorities.

Standard Regulations & Good Practices

As mentioned above, regulations vary from place to place. Yet, there are many laws that are present in most legalized states. These include child-resistance, opacity, and the use of language and imagery in labeling.

The first part is self-explanatory, and means that the packaging products are tested for child safety (e.g. ASTM Certification). These standardized tests involve having kids of varying ages attempt to open the packaging. The researcher makes notes of how hard it was to open and what means they used, and the product gets a score on how well it performed. If the child smashed the product against the floor to open it, that’s noted and counted towards opening it.

What most people don’t realize is that the ASTM certification also includes the ability of elderly patients to open the products. In other words, the tests are as crucial in maintaining child-safety as they are pivotal in ensuring accessibility to seniors.

Opaque packaging means that the products inside aren’t “viewable”. This ensures that the products aren’t enticing kids to open up the packaging to access the marijuana. Together with laws requiring warning labels, the opaque packaging further ensures that children stay away from your bud. Opacity laws are one of the few requirements for marijuana packaging that is almost universal. So even if it’s not required in your state right now, it’s definitely worth preparing for that being a need.

Labeling affects how the products are seen and perceived by customers. The enticement is also what is addressed in most states when it comes to what companies are able to print on their products. Examples of this includes imagery such as toys, use of words like “candy”, and bright/colorful labels. This, of course, impacts the ability of companies to differentiate their products. But, it has also led to some very creative branding with minimalist color/imagery.

So, what types of packaging options do we have?

This is where it gets interesting. Because cannabis has been legal for some years now, the packaging industry has matured a long way from white-label plastic- and glass jars. Here are the basics:

Vials and Jars

When most people think of marijuana packaging, they think of the classic Pop Top Bottles, Joint Tubes, and glass jars.

Pop Tops, named for the “popping” sound they make when opened, have been a staple in the industry for years (and will likely continue to be so). The Pop Top category also includes “Doob Tubes”, which are the plastic tubes that pre-rolls and vape cartridges come in.

Push & Turn Vials were adopted from the medical community, and became popular due to their familiarity. In the beginning they came as the classic orange we all know, which was phased out in favor of a green version. When the opacity laws were put in place the bottles took on a new look, and have since grown into its own niche style for cannabis retailers. We trust these to be child-resistant after years of getting prescriptions filled in them, and they will remain a fixture in the industry as well.

Glass jars have been around forever and they use the same “press and turn” system that the plastic Push & Turn bottles do. Glass jars work for a plethora of products, so whether you sell flower, concentrates, or pain relief creams, there is a glass option out there for you. While glass jars are a more sustainable option for packaging, they are more expensive. Since they are not reusable in a retail setting (yet), they have not been adopted as a means to replace the plastic products.


Smell-Proof Dispensary Bags are another popular option that have been in use by cannabis companies since the start of the boom. Mylar bags are most often used for flower and for edibles, sporting some of the best labeling options on the market. With the ability to customize, many companies have switched to bags since it allows them to tell the brand “story” better. The whole surface is modifiable to communicate with the customer in a way you can’t with bottles. This allows companies to differentiate their products better than a 2×3 sticker on a plastic bottle.

Custom bags also allow for bigger quantities at a lower cost, reducing the plastic waste from packaging (4x 30 dram pop tops vs. 1x 1oz bag). Many companies will get Child-Resistant Exit Bags to put non-CR containers inside so they can remain compliant. Thankfully this is a receding practice as producers move towards more sustainable practices.

Dropper Bottles (Boston Rounds)

Boston Round Dropper Bottles are another option adopted from the medical industry. They are increasing in popularity, especially with the growth of CBD as a form of relief. They can be child resistant in many ways, which allows companies to stay compliant while customizing the look/feel of their product. The most popular safety option is a regular push & turn system in the cap itself, which requires a certain amount of power to open it.

Another style preferred by producers that service an older clientele is to use shrink-wrap labels over top of non-CR pipettes. This way the only difficult part to open is a piece of plastic, letting you access the product more easily afterwards.

Sustainable Options

Last, and possibly most interesting, is the sustainable options that are popping up around the country. While not too accessible yet, there are many new forms of packaging getting released to help reduce our carbon footprint. This means that the look and feel of our marijuana-purchasing experience is about to change forever.

Cardboard tubes and boxes are one such form of packaging taking over as a replacement for plastic containers. Like their plastic counterparts there are many ways to ensure child-safety with these paper products. Most of them rely on some sort of “pop lock” system with a tab that’s pushed in to release the inside of the packaging. While most versions aren’t smell proof, they do offer us a way to brand our products on a surface that is recyclable.

Besides the paper versions of packaging, we are also seeing plastics made from hemp pellets. This is a new and exciting source for the unsustainable oil products we consume.

In the end, it’s just a plastic bottle. Right?

This is a common misconception that minimizes the importance of ensuring the safety of your customers. How you choose to pack your cannabis is crucial for how consumers perceive your company. It also impacts a company’s longevity in the market, so we hope this piece will help companies make smarter packaging choices in the future.

By Safer Products & Grow Cargo

Go Green: How to Recycle and Repurpose Your Cannabis Containers

With the growth of the marijuana industry, and the subsequent regulations that have been come down, the importance of individual efforts to recycle plastics has increased. Single grams that can fit in a small containers are put into 1/8th containers. This leaves the customers with a sour feeling that they are contributing all too much to the plastic waste problem we are facing today!Regulations have made it so the marijuana packaging is harder to recycle than other containers. This has put strains on companies to ensure that all laws are followed for their packaging. Luckily, there are ways to go about recycling and reusing your plastic pop top containers that doesn’t harm the environment. To assist our customers and everyone else willing to make an effort, we have compiled a list of ways to get rid of your plastic. It also includes some neat repurposing alternatives!

Identify and Clean

Start by identifying which type of plastic your container is made of. There are currently 7 categories of plastic, and though the most common for weed containers is #5 there are other types being used. Here’s a list to make your job easier:

7 Types of Recyclable Plastics: 

Polyethylene Terephthalate, better known as polyester, which has gained widespread use in garments.

High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE), is the most widely used plastic in the world. This versatile polymer has the simplest chemical structure and is often made into grocery bags, water and juice containers, shampoo bottles, cereal box liners, and many other items.

Polyvinyl Chloride, the second most used. Predominantly found in toys, cling wrap, food jars, cleaning bottles, and shower curtains.

Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE), which is used to coat the inside of milk cartons, make dry cleaning bags, and the thin, flexible water bottles.

Polypropylene, which is typically used for ketchup bottles, yoghurt, cottage cheese, Brita filters, and the pop tops for bud.

Polystyrene, most recognizable under the trade name Styrofoam.

All other plastics, of which there are thousands. 

Once you have identified which type of plastic your container is, the next step is to clean it. We recommend a bath in warm soapy water to loosen up the glue on the labels, as well as for cleaning out any residue. A 5-10 minute soak should be more than enough, and your plastics are now ready for recycling after a quick rinse. This procedure can be used for your old glass containers (such as concentrate jars and Boston Round dropper bottles), syringes, and glass tubes as well.


While states like Colorado have entrepreneurs that are tackling the problem of containers that can’t be recycled effectively through state-run programs (such as Green for Green), many states don’t have such companies to help. We recommend calling your local waste station to figure out what to do with each of your containers, whether that be washing and disposing of them in your own recycling bin or doing a monthly run with your friends to the waste station.

If you cannot dispose of your products in this way, or you feel like they should be doing good for others, you may have local alternatives for this. Companies like M25M, which repurposes old containers to use as pill bottles in developing nations, can be a great alternative to throwing them away. You can also reach out to your local animal shelter, homeless shelter, or pharmacy, and see if they have a program set up to reuse old containers for prescriptions. This way you can get rid of your old containers and help improve a person or canine’s situation at the same time.

Last, but not least, the rise of cartridges and disposable pens has created a new problem. As these are not as easily recycled by your local waste station, you should call your local Hazardous Materials Management Facility (HMMF). Ask them if they accept the type of battery that you’ve used, and about the best way to go about recycling it. Sometimes you’ll be able to do so through a regular battery disposal bin, but most times you’ll have to plan a trip to the facility. Try to make this a collective effort, and get as many people involved as you can, so you can save on gas and the number of trips.

While some dispensaries will take the vape pens back, and even reward you for doing so, the story with cartridges is a different one. As the fear of resale by states fueled the legislation, there is still no way to dispose of these. However, starting with the batteries is at least a step in the right direction and we are grateful to those that choose to make this effort and actually dispose of their waste. 


For the more creative, or less willing to travel, there are many ways to reuse your containers. This spans a wide spectrum, as both glass and plastic containers are frequently used to store our favorite products.


  • Succulent starter-pots
  • Paperclip storage
  • Pen/pencil holder
  • Jewelry storage
  • Odor-resistant storage of one-hitters and bowls
  • Screw/nail storage
  • Key organizer
  • Store your home-rolled joints/blunts

Glass Jars:

  • Jewelry storage
  • Storage for herbs/dry tea
  • Paint/glitter storage for art projects
  • Candle holder
  • Chapstick/moisturizer travel-size containers

In the end we are all better off if everybody takes an interest in this, and thinks about how their consumption affects others. Whether you choose to recycle or repurpose, we salute you for your efforts!

By Safer Products & Grow Cargo